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Timing for LG Sections?

edited October 2018 in November 2018 LSAT 24 karma

Just wanted to see the general consensus on whether you time each game or the section as a whole? I've been doing really well on the LGs most of the time, but a couple of times, I've been pretty jammed at the end and feel like I took much time earlier. Any strategies for being quicker too?

Thanks! Good luck to everyone!


  • Pride Only HurtsPride Only Hurts Alum Member
    2186 karma

    I time the whole section. But I use the stopwatch on my phone and lap it whenever I finish a game so I keep track of each game too. I've gotten more comfortable doing whole sections ever since I started foolproofing entire sections. It helps me realize just how much extra time you should have if you do the games at their recommended speed. Just now I finished a section with 13 minutes leftover. That's never happened before so I think what I'm doing right now is helping.

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