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New to 7sage, need some help with Assumptions

Hannah14Hannah14 Free Trial Member
edited October 2019 in General 35 karma

Hi all I am new here and I am hoping someone could give me some advice please!

So I have been studying for the LSAT using Kaplan, power-score and I occasionally used some 7sage videos of off Youtube. I still struggle for some odd reason with N.A and S.A. I understand the difference between the two and when I read the question stem I understand which is N.A and which is S.A but for some odd reason I still struggle to understand what to look for in the answer choices.


  • bikramajitbikramajit Free Trial Member
    3 karma

    I would recommend the no frills and guided "hands on" approach of Khan Academy in conjunction with the LSAT Trainer.

  • RealLaw612RealLaw612 Member
    1094 karma

    I think about them like this: the SA answer choice will be a premise (additional information) which guarantees the conclusion of the stimulus. If you add the premises of the stimulus to a correct SA answer choice, it makes the argument 100% correct.
    Socrates is a man, therefore Socrates is mortal. Missing sufficient assumption? All men are mortal.
    NA on the other hand, simply ask us to find an answer that, if it's true, permits the conclusion to be true.
    Socrates is a man, therefore Socrates is mortal. Missing necessary assumption? Being a man does not necessitate immortality.
    In summary: SA = additional information that makes the conclusion true.
    NA = something which must be true if the conclusion is true.

  • Hannah14Hannah14 Free Trial Member
    35 karma

    @99thPercentileOrDieTryin Wow thank you that makes so much sense!

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