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improve on logic reasoning

Hey y'all, I am struggling on Logic reasoning. I have taken the lsat august for the second time and I am scared it's not the score I want. In order to prevent taking it again on October and not getting the score back, I am planning on taking it in November. Any advice on how to improve LR in the next 2 months? PLEASSSSEEEE HELPPPP.
any structure schedule I should be following? I'm honestly drained. I keep getting 10-14 wrong on LR Sections.


  • sheridjwsheridjw Alum Member
    936 karma

    Have you read the loophole yet? That helped me tremendously on LR.

  • lobell79lobell79 Alum Member
    146 karma

    What is the loophole please?

  • sheridjwsheridjw Alum Member
    936 karma

    It is a book specifically for Lr by Ellen Cassidy. It is very popular on here and has helped tons of people including myself.

  • 769 karma

    @sheridjw said:
    Have you read the loophole yet? That helped me tremendously on LR.

    Would you say its something you could get through within a month or two?

  • sheridjwsheridjw Alum Member
    936 karma

    Yes i think i read it in about two or three weeks, moving through it methodically. But you really need to do the drills the author suggests a lot to get comfortable with the approach. 1 month might be pushing it, but i think its doable in 2.

  • edited September 2020 425 karma

    The Loophole is fantastic and I highly recommend it! Also, check out the book 33 Common LSAT Flaws by LSATMax. Even though the book is specifically about flaws, what you learn can be applied across all LR and RC. It includes real LSAT questions from old PTs and gives detailed explanations for why each answer choice is wrong or right. It is a quick read and highly informative!

  • edited September 2020 211 karma

    I read the Nathan Fox Encyloepedia

    I think that 1200 page book beaten me mentally and emotionally to go down a few points (did it in 12 days)
    Started -14, now complaining at -3/-5 LR (I also thank 7Sage!)

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