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When to Use Mapping on Parallel Flaw Questions?

michaeljosephm7michaeljosephm7 Core Member
edited October 2020 in Logical Reasoning 13 karma

Hey all,

Like many, I've doing a number of PTs and find that parallel flaw questions are my weakest point in LR.

I was wondering if anyone had advice about when to use mapping on parallel flaw questions vs. when to intuit the flaw and answer choice match?

For example, I've just completed PT 53, and JY uses a conditional map for Question 21 Section 1. I realized after watching JY's explanation that trying to reason through or intuit this flaw would have been rather futile.

However, on the same PT—Question 13 Section 3, JY reasons through the flaw in his explanation. His explanation was great (it was a part relating to whole flaw) but I'm not confident in my ability to know when to use reason and when to use maps.

If anyone who is proficient at Parallel Flaw questions could share language cues or other details they use to know when maps are optimal and when they should reason through the question, I would really, really appreciate them!

Thanks so much, *also my first 7Sage post.

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