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Do not underestimate BR when drilling LG. Even if you think you have that LG type down.

kkole444kkole444 Alum Member
in Logic Games 1687 karma

I have had 7Sagers reach out regarding LG and many of them are at the -4/-5 range. A common thing I am seeing is that they are not BRing like they were in the beginning. BRing take on another role in LG once we have been doing it for a while. Yes when you are many PTs in and you can do sequencing games in BR at 100% accuracy what's the point of spending the extra time? The extra time put in is to help you speed up and make inferences even faster and thus allowing more time on harder games. Treat the simple games like you would the more difficult because you can get faster and maybe you can shave 10 seconds then 30 then 40 seconds off the easy games by seeing them and working them over to get everything out of them. Maybe this comes from knowing pressure points better and being able to cross out answer before even trying them. Or just setting up 1 master game board and because you are so proficient at the game now you would not need to draw another game board and you can see the answers "in your mind's eye" and if there is time after completing the section you can do double check. Just because we can complete the easy games at the time recommended does not mean we should ease up on the intensity of the game. If it is a simple sequencing and all the rules make one chain and it only has 5 questions I can do it between 3-3:30 with 100% and this allows me to gain 1 full minute or more to work on the harder games to come, and sometimes the extra seconds and minutes we bank on the easy is the difference between -0 and -3. This is because the set up normally takes X amount of time regardless of the number of questions. For example you are in the last game and there are 6 questions left and you have ten minutes. Set up takes 4 minutes because its a hard game and you did a partial split, now there is only 6 minutes for 6 questions, not a bad scenario, until there is not a single question that gives you an extra rule to work with now those extra 2 minutes would allow you to get to the last 2ish questions.
I realize that is an extreme example but I hear it all the time, "if I only had 2 more minutes." Plus having extra time going into games allows us to relax and not make mistakes because of our test day anxiety and feeling rushed.


  • st_cupertinost_cupertino Member
    177 karma

    Needed to hear this today! Thanks for the great post.

  • SufficientConditionSufficientCondition Alum Member
    311 karma

    @kkole444 said:
    I have had 7Sagers reach out regarding LG and many of them are at the -4/-5 range. A common thing I am seeing is that they are not BRing like they were in the beginning. BRing take on another role in LG once we have been doing it for a while. Yes when you are many PTs in and you can do sequencing games in BR at 100% accuracy what's the point of spending the extra time? The extra time put in is to help you speed up and make inferences even faster and thus allowing more time on harder games. Treat the simple games like you would the more difficult because you can get faster and maybe you can shave 10 seconds then 30 then 40 seconds off the easy games by seeing them and working them over to get everything out of them. Maybe this comes from knowing pressure points better and being able to cross out answer before even trying them. Or just setting up 1 master game board and because you are so proficient at the game now you would not need to draw another game board and you can see the answers "in your mind's eye" and if there is time after completing the section you can do double check. Just because we can complete the easy games at the time recommended does not mean we should ease up on the intensity of the game. If it is a simple sequencing and all the rules make one chain and it only has 5 questions I can do it between 3-3:30 with 100% and this allows me to gain 1 full minute or more to work on the harder games to come, and sometimes the extra seconds and minutes we bank on the easy is the difference between -0 and -3. This is because the set up normally takes X amount of time regardless of the number of questions. For example you are in the last game and there are 6 questions left and you have ten minutes. Set up takes 4 minutes because its a hard game and you did a partial split, now there is only 6 minutes for 6 questions, not a bad scenario, until there is not a single question that gives you an extra rule to work with now those extra 2 minutes would allow you to get to the last 2ish questions.
    I realize that is an extreme example but I hear it all the time, "if I only had 2 more minutes." Plus having extra time going into games allows us to relax and not make mistakes because of our test day anxiety and feeling rushed.

    BR is even fun to BR in limited amounts!

  • chaplin___chaplin___ Alum Member
    601 karma

    Can’t agree more. I BR all the games even the relatively easier 5 min games and I BR each of them in two approaches, one with sub game boards (or some kind of setup or partial split) and one where I treat it as a rule driven game so to practice pushing out inferences and getting more comfortable and efficient with brute forcing when push comes to shove. I’m currently plateauing at a -2/-3 and I hope that in time and with intensive BR I’ll be able to pick up a point or two

  • mere_mortalmere_mortal Core Member
    91 karma

    @chaplin___ said:
    Can’t agree more. I BR all the games even the relatively easier 5 min games and I BR each of them in two approaches, one with sub game boards (or some kind of setup or partial split) and one where I treat it as a rule driven game so to practice pushing out inferences and getting more comfortable and efficient with brute forcing when push comes to shove. I’m currently plateauing at a -2/-3 and I hope that in time and with intensive BR I’ll be able to pick up a point or two

    Wow, so do you believe that almost any / every game can be done in both fashions (with sub game boards / a setup of some kind or without)?

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