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October LSAT is in less than 3 weeks. What are you focusing on?

LegallyBrunette21LegallyBrunette21 Yearly Member
in General 500 karma

I am curious to learn what everyone else is doing to prepare themselves for the exam. Are you focusing on taking the most recent PTs and blind reviewing?

For those of you who have taken the test before, do you have any recommendations to really get in the exam mode?


  • CashhhyyyCashhhyyy Core Member
    583 karma

    This is what I am doing the last three weeks: I am studying full time the next 3 weeks

    Everyday before I begin studying, I am going to go over my charts. This can take 20-45 minutes (depending how well you know these rules/indicators) Even if I know them from top to bottom, on the LSAT it is SO easy to mess up under pressure. So, knowing something 110% is great. We can't risk missing a question because we were doubting if A --> B haha. If you know them already, 10 minutes won't hurt you going over them everyday anyways.

    Then I will be trading off days: One day will be focused on a PT then going over it as a whole. What I did right and what I did wrong (about 4 hours) Then, ill take the lowest scored section and drill questions to focus on my weakness. I left 75+ for the last three weeks because they are more modern.

    I will trade off the next day to: Not doing PT. Instead, I'll focus on splitting my time into thirds. 3 hours on LG, 3 hours on RC, and 3 hours on LR. I do this so I won't forget the flow of a sections. I will probably drill questions, go over questions that I've gotten correct or wrong, etc. This is just going to give me the opportunity to add to my knowledge and wrap my head around ALL sections. Using 60-74 to drill questions

    Then 1-2 days before the test, I am just going over my charts and a reflection dairy I made for myself since starting day 1. Don't want to be sleepy or overwhelmed right before exam.

    It's a lot. The way I see it, I'll rest after the exam.

  • will23will23 Member
    edited September 2021 25 karma

    For me the biggest part is to make sure that I'm in a clear head space - meditating, reducing stress, staying even keel.

    As far as the actual material goes, I've been taking one PT a week for the last couple weeks and will continue that until the week before the test. Reviewing the PTs and doing logic games sections I feel is the most useful way to spend my time at this point. I don't feel that I'll make any huge jumps in LR or RC at this point, but seeing a game that I've never seen before, even just once, might help.

    This will be my second test - this past June was my first one and I felt like I overdid my prep in the run up to the test, so I'm focusing on the pieces that I think will help me be most successful.

  • funtobeemilyfuntobeemily Alum Member
    83 karma

    I took the LSAT in August and now I am taking it again in October. I am trying to focus on my stamina (I felt so mentally exhausted the first time I took it) I am taking more practice test and reviewing them in great detail. I improved on my reading comprehension and now just focusing on my weakest area (logical reasoning) I already have the basic concepts down now I am just focusing on making sure my way of thinking has shifted to understand the questions and logic behind them.

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