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Question about LSAC LOR Service

benjoffe6benjoffe6 Alum Member
edited January 2022 in Law School Admissions 44 karma


I have a question about how the LSAC would handle LORs in my circumstances. My current timetable is to graduate undergrad May 2023, submit apps ~Fall 2024, matriculate in Fall 2025. My question is can I receive a letter of recommendation, have my recommender upload it to LSAC say around Fall 2022, and then wait to use that letter for the Fall 2024 application cycle. Or would I need to receive, upload and submit a letter of recommendation a set certain amount of time before my desired application cycle?

Naturally, I would think that (most) recommenders would be able to provide a more descriptive, elaborate recommendation fresh off of my experience with them, whether it be in a course or a research project, etc, so that's why I would think to acquire these letters as early as I can, have them sit in the LSAC LOR account for a few years, and send them out with my application when its time. Is there a flaw in my reasoning here/ is this possible?

I’d appreciate any help, and am glad to provide clarification on my situation.

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