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missed the january deadline to register, should I cancel my november score or apply with it

mhaj0522mhaj0522 Live Member

I got a 152 on the November LSAT so I wanted to cancel it and retake in January, but I just realized that I missed the January deadline so now I dont know If i should still cancel my score and just retake in february, which seems too late in the cycle? Or if i should just take my chances and apply with a 152?


  • AlexLSAT.AlexLSAT. Alum Member
    802 karma

    @mhaj0522 said:
    I got a 152 on the November LSAT so I wanted to cancel it and retake in January, but I just realized that I missed the January deadline so now I dont know If i should still cancel my score and just retake in february, which seems too late in the cycle? Or if i should just take my chances and apply with a 152?

    Depends where you want to go to law school and if you care about scholarship money. I wouldn't cancel unless you can see yourself improving by a lot.

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