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Discord Online Study Group for Jan/Feb/April 2024 LSATs

ryanphoward79ryanphoward79 Core Member

πŸ”’ I'm currently scoring: 165-170
πŸ“† My planned test date: February 2024
πŸ“ˆ To study, I have been: Have been studying for several months now. My studying has consisted of different methods throughout.
πŸ”‘ My goals for this group are: Help each other out with our respective goals. Whether you are new to studying or have been studying for months such as myself, I hope that this space can be used so that we can collaboratively help one another achieve our objectives.
πŸ” We'll focus on: Anything and everything!
πŸ‘₯ Study Group Name: TBD
πŸ“š When we'll meet and what we'll do: All messaging and meetings are done via Discord, but time is totally up to the availability of those in the group, it is fluid.
βœ… How to join: Feel free to click on the link below to join the server via Discord, and please do message me if you are having any issues either joining the group or creating a Discord account. Like I said above, this group is open to all, from beginners to long-time studiers. I just hope that this study group can help each and every person in it and that we can use this group not only to learn and improve our studying, but also where we can reliably hold each other accountable as we get closer to the test date(s).

We have nearly 50 members in the group now and a nice community forming with daily meetings centered on LSAT studying, so always feel free to join, whether you are a beginner or have been studying for awhile!

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