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Explaning Why I Got This Question Wrong: Trap Answers

theonetheonlydoletheonetheonlydole Alum Member
edited June 18 in Logical Reasoning 11 karma

I initially chose C. This is a good trap answer, a very good trap answer indeed. The trap comes when they say that rural people communicate less. The passage talks about communicating ELETRONICALLY less, not communicating less in general. If you read this quickly, it makes perfect sense. Rural people communicate less electronically, so answer C is correct. However, because answer C is missing electronically, it is wrong. This is very sneaky!!!
Answer A is a classic difficult answer. It perfectly summarizes, which is the job of a good principle answer, but it does so in verbose language that is different from the passage.
Answer B is irrrelevant and introduces new information
Answer D is irrelevant and introduces new information,
Answer E is irrelevant and introduces new information
Watch out! Trap answers are very sneaky!

Admin Note: Removed PT questions. Please do not post the entire question and answer choices for the LSAC question. This is copyrighted content and is against the Forum Rules.

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