PT76.S2.Q22 - a tax preparation company

Tina ChoTina Cho Free Trial Member
edited September 2016 in Logical Reasoning 442 karma

I was not sure between A and E.
I think both suggest it does not serve the purpose,
one shows so by denying the necessity of its existence and one by showing ppl would do anyway if they know how to do so.
Why is one correct and one wrong?


  • Rachel YoonRachel Yoon Member
    173 karma

    I thought E was irrelevant with the argument since E was talking about clients behaviour and our argument was about whether the disclaimer offers legal protection for the company.

    In case of A,
    let's say for example, if there is a law saying that all tax preparation company should automatically add the disclaimer saying that the email should not be construed as advocating any violation, the company should add the disclaimer anyway for legal protection of other kind.

    However our argument is saying that if the e-mail elsewhere suggests that the client do something illegal, then the disclaimer offers no legal protection -> So the disclaimer serves no purpose. So A is supporting the argument by saying that if that is not the case, the company doesn't need legal protection.

    Even if company's clients knew how to illegally evade penalties and would try to do so, if company is out of that, it won't be their problem depending on the argument, I guess.

  • Tina ChoTina Cho Free Trial Member
    442 karma
    Thanks :)
  • stgl1230stgl1230 Member
    821 karma
    Lawgic helped me here.

    "The only purpose this disclaimer could serve is to provide legal protection for the company." D -> LP
    "But if the email elsewhere suggests that the client do something illegal, then the disclaimer offers no legal protection." L -> LP (or LP -> L)"
    Conclusion: "So the disclaimer serves no purpose." D -> P

    So if you look at (A), when translated to lawgic, it reads L -> P, which bridges the premises to the conclusion.
  • Tina ChoTina Cho Free Trial Member
    442 karma
    Ahh,, I see! thanks!
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