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LG Foolproofing

shaari16shaari16 Alum Member

Hey everyone,

I was wondering if any of my fellow 7sagers could offer some insight into this topic. I am planning on writing the Jan LSAT. LG is my weakest section, similar to most others on the LSAT journey. I really like JY's methods of teaching LG and I am beginning to get the hang of it but I feel really overwhelmed. I want to try the foolproof method of doing the games but I'm just wondering how I'm supposed to do one game so many times when there is a lot of other stuff to focus on. Between PTs, BR, drilling, watching explanations, and trying to stay sane, how did you guys adopt the foolproof method? There are just so many games and it would obviously be impossible to foolproof all of them in the mere 70some days that are remaining till the Jan LSAT, but how can I even get close? If you keep going back in a day or two to redo a previous game, I feel like you would barely get through any new content? I usually manage to make 20-25 hours to study each week and I've thought about just using the random bits of spare time in my day to foolproof a few games for fun every day. But still, I just don't see a way to move forward with studying while continuously redoing old games over and over. And the truth of the matter is that I could certainly use the foolproofing on every game I come across because I'm definitely slow in this section. I'm not aiming for a perfect score but I want to be as prepared as possible in order to reduce my anxiety surrounding LG.

Looking forward to hearing your ideas, suggestions, and thoughts. Please #help!


  • TEXASAggieTEXASAggie Alum Member
    106 karma

    I am not as committed as you are in my studies :) I share this because as I prepare for Jan, I decided to focus as much as I can on LG since the quickest improvements are seen in this specific section. I went back to your post and it sounded like in just one study session you are doing a lot everywhere instead of concentrating on a specific section. When it is PT day, only do PT; BR day, only BR; start every day with a drill of some sort (make it fun...have drill sets ready and choose an online teacher student randomizer and let that pick your drill for the day for X minutes) and maybe take as much time as you can in Dec to focus on LG and then begin Jan going through everything. I know that this response is all over the place as well lol

  • shaari16shaari16 Alum Member
    33 karma

    Thanks so much for your insight, I really appreciate it! Great tips :)

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