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Fool Proofing Games

alicia.xxalicia.xx Alum Member


I recently started doing the "Fool Proof Guide to Perfection on Logic Games"

For a game where the ideal time according to 7Sage is 6 minutes. I am scoring under that when fool proofing the game.

1st attempt: 8:50 (same day)
2nd attempt: 6:51 (same day)
3rd attempt: 5:47 (same day)
4th attempt: 4:42 (next day)

I guess I should come back to this game in a couple days or next week and see if my time is still roughly 4 minutes?

Is it redundant for me to keep drilling this game since I'm already under the allocated time?


  • eRetakereRetaker Free Trial Member
    2043 karma

    Do you feel like you completely understand the concepts/procedures or are you just drilling with the answers memorized? If you think you have a good handle on creating the gameboards (as in you can replicate this on a similar game) then I would say you're all set for this game.

  • alicia.xxalicia.xx Alum Member
    56 karma

    It's a bit of both.. I have the answers memorized but I force myself to see how I got the answer. When going through the inferences, I have them memorized but I need to force myself to remember how I got those inferences.

    I find it difficult because I'm trying to increase speed while going the inferences/questions which I know the answers to.

  • eRetakereRetaker Free Trial Member
    2043 karma

    Hmm as long as you are understanding how you are getting those inferences, I would say your time is better spent on the next game. I am guessing this is a sequencing game as well? Cause you can just test your knowledge on another game of the same type and see if the inferences are coming easier for you.

  • alicia.xxalicia.xx Alum Member
    56 karma

    That's true. Good point.

    Thanks for your help :smiley:

  • redshiftredshift Alum Member
    261 karma

    So I got -0 on LG in November, and also currently average -0 on LG sections of PTs, usually finishing within 27 minutes or so. That being said, take what I say with a grain of salt, as it could be purely speculative on my part.

    IMO, the thing that separates -0 LG people from -3/-5 LG people is foolproofing past the point of getting under the time limit. For example. When you consistently foolproof, you start to develop methods of lessening your work load, since you don’t want to go through the process of writing out hypotheticals for easy games all the time. You start to be able to just see, in your mind’s eye, how different hypotheticals play out. You also start developing a greater intuition for checking answers on brute force questions that are 75% of the time the correct answer, even though they’re answer E or some shit.

    Keep pushing, and you’ll reap the rewards

  • alicia.xxalicia.xx Alum Member
    56 karma

    @redshift that's a very interesting point. thanks for that comment :)

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