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What package to purchase!?

baret.amandabaret.amanda Member
edited November 2019 in General 41 karma

Hi Everyone!

I plan on taking the LSAT in either September or October. I want to purchase the Ultimate+ package that gives me access for 18 months. Does it make sense to purchase it if I only need roughly 6/7 months of studying?

[Admin note: Ultimate+ includes 12 months now]


  • PrincessPrincess Alum Member
    821 karma

    Hi! I think it basically depends on what you are trying to score and how you scored on your diagnostic test. When I started studying for this test last year, I got the starter pack because I thought I only had like 3 months. I studied for few monthes, but could have done so much better if I was aware of all the different videos and explainations I was missing. I was getting frusterated that I would be scoring so well on 7sage sets and just bombing the real preptests. I realized that I was just getting the "easy-medium" questions and had NO IDEA what I was doing with the tough questions. Thankfully, I got the ultimate package which has all the hard questions, answers, and I just got that confidence that I can actually master this test. Everyone here says to study for the test, understand the concepts, and not worry about the timing. I think that's very true!

    I copied this information on another thread, but thought it might be helpful.

    I thought that the LSAT was going to just click and not be that difficult because I started scoring in the 160s range and I was going to be fine in just 3 months of studying. I got a bit overconfident thinking I could easily get into the 170s (haha, clearly I'm still here so that didn't work). Actually don't worry about the time or test dates, and understand the material! Get the main package and just feel confident in it all. This is all the advise I would have given to myself last year when I was in your place and what I am doing right now as well:

    This is a hard test. It is going to depend on how you scored on your first diagnostic, how you score after you finish the CC, and then how much more you improve from there. Since you do have limited time, I would suggest that keep studying for the LR and progress through that. At the same time, you need to do the basic logic lesson and advanced logic lesson. Once you understand the idea of "or" "Not Both" and others...then you can progress to the Logic Games! You need to make sure you go through all those logic games lessons by March. At the same time, keep studying for the LR.

    Once you have finished the lessons of the Logic Games, you are going to print off the the logic games bundle which has EVERY game from tests 1-35. Now those games, you want to do atleast 1 game EVERY DAY. Make piles, time yourself, repeat the ones you miss, continue the next day, and don't stop. The piles get bigger, it gets frusterating, keep watching the videos, and you will be fine.

    For the logic games, I swear it will just click because they just are repeated over and over. The Logical Reasoning is a bit more challenging for me though. You want to make sure you don't skip through videos because the way JY explains the WRONG answers is so much more helpful than just getting the RIGHT answer right. You want to know why something is wrong, how that wrong answer could have been correct, and how it may be the correct answer in future logical reasoning questions.

    Once the LR is done, the logic games are still in process, then just take a breath and take your first Preptest after the course. I know you haven't done the Reading Comp, but honestly just take the test and see how much you improve. This gives you more of a rubric to go off from because you learn what areas you're still weak in. This time you DRILL those areas, such as flaw quesitons or strengthen questions. You will get better slowly. Don't forget to BR all of these.

    Now as you're studying, drilling, doing logic games, then start the RC and just try to see how JY does it. Look at different strategies and implement those. Depending on that, you want to take the test! I went from a 144 (i think? maybe 143? idk) to a 162-165 in about 3.5 months. I am still studying and trying to take my time with the course, and am hoping to get a 170 by July. I definetly think you can get into the 160s, but it's going to be ridiculous amount of work! It will all be worth it though!

  • FixedDiceFixedDice Member
    edited February 2019 1804 karma

    The problem isn't so much about a course's duration as it is about your aims and what you wish to get out of the course.

    If you want to score as high as possible, then by all means go for the Ultimate+. It will give you everything you can possible want for LSAT prep work.

  • baret.amandabaret.amanda Member
    41 karma

    Thank you so much for the helpful advice!

  • lsatgodjklsatgodjk Alum Member
    938 karma

    Combine a laser printer ($90), extra toner ($25), tons of paper (for full-proofing and everything else), and Ultimate + and you're on your way to 170.

    You will get you money back and much more when you receive your handsome scholarship. :)

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