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Core Curriculum Question

sk144404sk144404 Core Member
in General 237 karma

Does anyone know exactly how long the Core Curriculum should take? I realize that it is advertised as 215 hours - however it seems that a fair amount of that time consists of old PT and various section drills. I am wondering how much time the actual lessons are excluding drills and PTs and I rather not count them if someone knows it off the top of their head #help


  • jmarmaduke96jmarmaduke96 Member Sage
    2891 karma

    I don't know exactly how much time it would take excluding the drills, but I think that each lesson gives you a timestamp for how long it is. You could probably round those up/down and add them up to get an idea of the length. However, I would caution you against skipping many of the drills. In my personal experience, there were many times where I would finish a set of lessons in the CC and feel like I understood them. Yet when I went to the problem sets there were many questions that would still end up giving me trouble when the concept was either hidden or else phrased in a way that I wasn't very used to. I made a relatively substantial score jump after completing the CC and I think that a lot of that jump was due to the fact that I did each and every problem set to try to soak up as much knowledge as I possibly could.

  • sk144404sk144404 Core Member
    237 karma

    @jmarmaduke96 Thanks that's a good idea! I am taking the June exam so time is of the essence and I want to prioritize finishing the lessons then bang out at least one 3 section PT a day.

  • sk144404sk144404 Core Member
    237 karma

    Its ~100hrs depending on how you add it up

  • lexxx745lexxx745 Alum Member Sage
    3190 karma

    I agree. I think the lessons are super important. But i dont think every problem set is key. Problem sets are just real problems, but from older tests. If, theoretically, the problem sets were problems from more recent tests, theyd be even more useful. If your on a time crunch, make sure to get in enough recent pts

  • jmarmaduke96jmarmaduke96 Member Sage
    edited May 2020 2891 karma

    I completely understand time being of the essence if you are taking the June exam. However, I would be extremely cautious about taking 1 or more PTs a day. While it is important to see the newer tests, having the chance for proper BR is equally important, if not more important. The rigorous blind review is where the learning and understanding will come from. I don't see how it is possible to do full and complete BR on an entire PT in a day to the point that you will be ready for another PT the following day, much less a second PT that same day. If I were you I wouldn't do more than 2 PTs a week. That will still give you time to see 10+ PTs as well as give you a chance to get some of the valuable BR work out of those exams.

  • sk144404sk144404 Core Member
    237 karma

    @jmarmaduke96 Another good point! I set my schedule up like this for the next two weeks: (1) 3-section PT every other day with BR in-between. And (2) 1.5-2hr Core Curriculum lessons per day with either .5/1hr break in-between for food. Since I have to listen to the lessons at 2x speed due to years of Audible conditioning I should be able to finish what I consider to be the [more] important part of the CC in 2 weeks - leaving plenty of time to review my weaker areas while still getting reps in.

    I feel bad saying this, but thank god for this pandemic, I have become incredibly efficient in regards to my time management abilities.

  • 256 karma

    I've been through the CC twice and still come back sometimes. Theres no timestamp how long it should take imo

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