Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Good luck in July - 7Sage Forum

Good luck in July

s.grant81s.grant81 Free Trial Member
edited June 2020 in General 72 karma

Godspeed to those taking the test in July


  • Zamalek95Zamalek95 Member
    38 karma

    Hello. I’m interested. I’m struggling badly with LR causation flaw/weaken

  • atluridatlurid Member
    8 karma

    Hi - I am also interested! I take the July LSAT in 3 weeks and would love some help on LR.

  • FJ15FJ15 Member
    60 karma

    Hello! I am also taking the July LSAT and am interested

  • AllSmiles4AllSmiles4 Member
    40 karma

    Also taking the July LSAT and interested.

  • jfpeterkinjfpeterkin Member
    79 karma

    I would also love to use help on games and LR. Would you prefer I DM?

  • mrowley91mrowley91 Alum Member
    203 karma

    I'm also taking the July LSAT and would be interested!

  • OpeyemiOpeyemi Core Member
    14 karma

    hi ! joining the chorus - need as much help with Logic Games before the July exam as possible. Thanks a ton for the offer!

  • Ns123456Ns123456 Alum Member
    54 karma


  • Heinz DoofenshmirtzHeinz Doofenshmirtz Member
    481 karma

    also interested :)

  • gaffneyc27gaffneyc27 Member
    21 karma

    struggling with LR

  • s.grant81s.grant81 Free Trial Member
    72 karma

    Hi everyone. I should have stated to reach out to me in DM. I have been answering students one at a time but am all caught up now. Thank you

  • 38 karma

    In your opinion, what is the best way to improve? Right now I'm just really slow to make inferences during games, if I make them at all. A lot of the time it takes me the entire 35 mins just to get through the first two games.

  • s.grant81s.grant81 Free Trial Member
    72 karma

    @"keenen.mcmurray" said:
    In your opinion, what is the best way to improve? Right now I'm just really slow to make inferences during games, if I make them at all. A lot of the time it takes me the entire 35 mins just to get through the first two games.

    Hit me up DM

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