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Posting on Behalf of a 7Sage User: Learning Games

Theo - Student ServiceTheo - Student Service Member Moderator Student Services
in Logic Games 870 karma

[I am posting on behalf of a 7Sage user. Please feel free to leave your comments below. Thank you for your help!]


Could you please offer some advice as to how I can best utilize 7sages premium Curriculum to get better at games? Because I think there is a study plan available within the account to aid me in getting better at my accuracy, comprehension, and consequently my timing in games. I’m doing fine in reading comprehension and logic reasoning, but for some reason I’m not doing good enough in games yet. So I need to somehow customize and tailor my learning in a way where I can learn games thoroughly. I can do ordering games fine and the type with the conditional chains but sometimes grouping and hybrids take a while for me to understand. I need something I can follow along with and track my progress for LG. So far I can do almost two games in the 35 minutes. I thought about starting with the first prep test and working my way up on games throughout all the sections and then hopefully by like the 60s, I would be good enough to start timing myself but someone told me that was not the best way to proceed because games from the earlier prep tests are not a reliable indicator of how games are today. So if that’s not the appropriate way to learn and drill games, then do you have any suggestions for me? Do you have any advice for me please?

Thank you"


  • Chris NguyenChris Nguyen Alum Member Administrator Sage 7Sage Tutor
    4593 karma

    Hi there!

    This guide is great for logic game strategy:

    Essentially it's a way to foolproof games but also retain the memory from your fullproof by doing the game again a few days after to strengthen your understanding of the process.

    I think he says it much better than I can. I hope this helps you out!

  • kkole444kkole444 Alum Member
    1687 karma
    You can find the google sheet that I used to keep track and monitor my progress. I would recommend what @Christopherr linked to.
    How I started learning games was working though the CC and keeping track of all the games you struggle with and why you struggled. Things I would keep track were miss inference(s), board setup, splitting, tricky question, missed question, overtime, ect. At first this will seem like you are marking down every game but it will get easier but a huge thing when you do it is you'll start to get a picture of the things that you commonly miss and once you are aware of them it is easier to fix and keep them in your head when you are doing games. for example on in/out & grouping games when either category(s) are filled up then all the left over pieces have to fit into the other group. I would always take forever on these games and it was normally the question that would see if you would recognize that common inference that needs to be made. Now when I do those type of games I know (along with lots of other common tricks & inferences) that is likely a question I will get and now I know how to attack it. Also games take time, it is a process, but trust in the process it took me a long time to get where I am and everyone moves at there own speed.
    Keep up the good work! feel free to message me if you have a question or want help!
    best of luck!

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