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Progressively getting worse...any advice?

in General 118 karma

Hey 7sage community,

About a month ago, I started off at a 145 diagnostic. 2 weeks ago I was able to get my score up to a 161 on PT 37, but it dropped to a 152 on PT 38 then to 145 on PT 39!

I'm always -5 or less on LG, but I've been getting wrecked on Logical Reasoning and Reading Comprehension.

Most of the time I can't even follow what the LR passage is saying and mix up the premises and sub-conclusions. On RC I'll get a perfect on one passage, then bomb the next.

Has anyone overcome a similar situation? My goal is 170 but obviously some work needs to be done.


  • bensasounianbensasounian Member
    94 karma

    For LR I'd recommend the Loophole since if you are getting things wrong at that level it's likely because you haven't gotten the concepts down. Also remember to take breaks between your PTs

  • tahurrrrrtahurrrrr Member
    edited May 2021 1106 karma

    It's perfectly normal to hit slumps in your studies. Sometimes in learning how to process things better, you actually get worse because you're working hard to break old patterns. Be open to revisiting the fundamentals often. Going through them once is not enough.

    Keep fighting through your slumps, and take breaks when you need to.

  • momokf96momokf96 Member
    10 karma

    In a similar slump to you. Good luck and let me know if you find the solution!

  • 28 karma

    tale a break.

  • WinningHereWinningHere Member
    417 karma

    slowwwww dowwwwwwn

  • 123anami123anami Member
    388 karma

    i'd say slow down, focus on the sections where you feel least confident and drill those first - stop blowing pts (you'll need them) when it sounds like you are having some gaps in your LR skill set, also take one or 2 days off studying and refocus when you are ready. devote certain days in a week to just do a section, really review everything thoroughly and identify where you went wrong in your answers.

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