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  • Do we just need to print off the NA questions from PT 36-39?
  • @FoolProofFun said: I know this probably isn't what you're wanting to hear, but even someone starting at -3 average will need to probably do dozens of sections in order to really move to -0 (certainly the average student). Strategies are good,…
  • @kenwrite said: @DivineRaze said: @TylerPKP Read for structure!!! If you know the role of each paragraph in the passage, you will be solid!! Yes! One helpful thing I got out of "The LSAT Trainer" by Mike Kim is to ask your…
  • @Louislepauvre said: @TylerPKP said: @msk12345 said: If you are scoring in the low 150s and your goal is the mid-160s, you shouldn't take it in November. You should withdraw. If you do that, the earliest you could…
    in . Comment by TylerPKP November 2018
  • @msk12345 said: If you are scoring in the low 150s and your goal is the mid-160s, you shouldn't take it in November. You should withdraw. If you do that, the earliest you could apply in this cycle would be February, I'd assume. That would put …
    in . Comment by TylerPKP November 2018
  • @lsatplaylist said: I'd say yes. However, it's going to be undisclosed in January so just keep that in mind. Can you explain why taking the undisclosed LSAT would put me at a disadvantage?
    in . Comment by TylerPKP November 2018
  • @LAWYERED said: Wouldn't you be applying a little late in the cycle (January)? Isn't it better to apply with a November score and then apply in December (and let your schools know that you're testing again in January?) The schools I have tal…
    in . Comment by TylerPKP November 2018
  • @Alex said: @TylerPKP said: Hi 7Sagers, I'm a senior in undergraduate and I plan to enroll in law school for the Fall of 2019. At the moment I'm not scoring where I need to be for the November LSAT. Should I withdraw and take the J…
    in . Comment by TylerPKP November 2018
  • @NicholasDay said: How far away are you? If you are close, then it may be worth taking the test and getting a feel for the real deal. If you are nowhere close, then I would reccommend withdrawing. There is no need to take the test until you ar…
    in . Comment by TylerPKP November 2018