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  • I don't know if this is helpful but I know someone who just got into michigan with 50% scholarship with a 3.49 double major with a 172 lsat
  • hmmmm i would look into how you get questions wrong? is it usually guessing incorrectly 50-50? in that case maybe you still don't truly know the question type or are still careless despite averaging in the 170s. For example if you guess all right o…
  • I think the general consensus is that even among the T-14s, most schools only look at the highest score. Perhaps test day nerves got the better of you and you mis-bubbled for half a section? That would kindof resolve the paradox, with you coming ou…
  • I did almost all the PTs twice. Once per real LSAT take (174, 178). I also did most logic games about 4 times each, including as part of a full PT. Time taken was about two 3 month periods of ~4 hour days. The time spent per day might seem relati…
    in --- Comment by potatocowpower June 2017
  • I scored a 174 first time and retook for a 178. With the change in testing limits perhaps an easy way to get that 172 is to be open to retaking. If you take enough LSATs with the same level of competency you should sooner or later score at the high…
  • @TimLSAT180 Add me as a study buddy and I'll have a look at some of your pt breakdowns and see if I can offer any constructive input.
  • @"Kristen B" I think this question is a lot easier if approached by eliminating definitely wrong answers. The moment you start going down the if-then path you fall into their bait & switch trap.
  • In order to be both inviting and functional a work of architecture needs to be unobtrusive I think that while the logic is that inviting+functional -> unobtrusive or obtrusive -> not inviting or not functional or not both having knowledge…
  • So I sent you my thoughts for the remaining questions. If you let me know which questions exactly were problematic and what exactly about them gave you a harder time I could try and answer that
  • I pm-ed you my executive summary for questions 1-13 I hope they are helpful, would probably need more information about your thought process doing the section to offer you more detailed help. Will get started on the remaining questions shortly
  • I think a couple of clues that phytopathogens are plant specific are the fact that the paragraph opens by discussing "cultivation of a single crop" and explains how crop rotation works: by denying the phytopathogens of a "suitable host". If they we…
  • I am trying to follow your logic but couldn't this follow still even if you have to perpetually crop rotate it is still an increase from the otherwise decreased yields from not rotating crops? Also maybe your emphasis on for a period of time might …
  • @Q.E.D educationally? I didn't take precalc and calculus before dropping out of high school. Finished high school and learned math through khanacademy during college in order to complete a degree in economics GMAT matters way less than the LSAT for…
  • I've taken both exams: 174, 178 and 770 for the GMAT and the GMAT was many orders of magnitude easier for me. No official prep courses, I just read the OG for stuff I didn't know/forgot and did the free prep software offered by GMAC of 2 PTs twice. …