Dartmouth College 2013, Government and English

What's your favorite whale?
The underdog. The darkhorse whale.

Tell me something you did that you're proud of.
I once testified in court on behalf of an indigent man facing eviction by his slumlord.

What cause or issue are you passionate about?
My dream is to fight for those who are not in the strongest position to fight for themselves.

What was the hardest thing you've ever done?
The most terrifying moment of my life was in high school, when I had to sing in Chinese for my Chinese class. I was the first one up. When it was all over, I ran out the room in true Napoleon Dynamite style.

If you were a Jedi, which one would you be?
Mace Windu.

What were you in your past life?
See above.

What's your talent?
I enjoy writing. At Dartmouth, I spend my time working as a tutor in the student center for writing.

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