We (7Sage) offer our Edit Once services under the following terms and conditions.

1 Services

Edit Once entails a single written round of editorial feedback followed by a proofread for grammar, punctuation, and typos. We won’t be able to comment on your essay when we proofread, and beyond the proofread, the package does not come with any follow-up.

2 What We’ll Edit

We’ll perform our Services on a single essay or résumé of 1200 words or fewer.

3 Only One Essay

Edit Once covers a single essay or résumé of up to 1200 words, not multiple essays or résumés whose total word count is 1200 words or fewer.

4 One Version of One Essay

Edit Once covers a single version of your essay, not different versions for different schools or programs.

5 Two-Part Essays Are Two Essays

We consider each part of a multi-part essay to be a separate document. Edit Once will only cover one part.

Example: Western Law (in Ontario, Canada) calls for a personal statement to consist of two parts, A and B. Despite the fact that Western Law represents Parts A and B as different aspects of one personal statement, Edit Once will only cover a document in response to Prompt A or a document in response to Prompt B.

In a nutshell: one prompt = one document.

6 The Proofread Is Not A Second Edit

Our proofread will not include any suggestions, advice, or feedback on your revisions. The proofread only covers grammar, typos, spelling mistakes, punctuation errors, and usage errors.

7 Time Limit on Proofreading

After we send you our editorial feedback, you can send your essay back to us within fourteen days for a thorough proofread.

8 Comments in Essays

You can ask one or two specific questions in your essay, but no more. Multiple questions make it difficult to perform an objective edit and don’t necessarily lead to better results. If you think you have follow-up questions, you can upgrade to an Unlimited Edit for One Essay or purchase our time by the hour.

9 Law School Application Documents

We’ll assume that you want us to edit your documents for law school applications unless you tell us otherwise.

10 Types of Editing

We’ll perform your choice of an overall critique, a sentence-level edit, or an “editor’s choice” on your essay.

An overall critique means that we’ll evaluate your overarching narrative, identify what is and isn’t working, and discuss your options for revision. We may advise radical cuts, a new outline, or even a new topic.

A sentence-level edit means that we may identify awkward phrases, finesse your transitions, and advise you to clarify, expand, or delete certain sections.

Editor’s choice may include elements of both an overall critique and a sentence-level edit—or it may not. If you request an editor’s choice, you leave it up to us.

11 Beginning Within One Year

If you don’t start working on an essay or résumé within one year, your Edit Once package expires.

12 Timely Replies

We’ll make a good-faith effort to provide editorial feedback on your document within 48 hours of receipt.

If you send us a document but we have questions for you, the 48-hour countdown will begin when you respond. Such questions may arise if you don’t specify what kind of edit you would like us to perform (we give you a few options in the getting-started email), if you ask us for something that this service doesn’t cover, or if something in your initial email is unclear.

If we receive a document outside of our normal business hours (9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. ET on Monday through Friday) or on an American holiday, we may occasionally take longer than 48 hours. We’ll try to warn you in advance if we anticipate that we’ll take longer than 48 hours to get back to you.

13 Confidentiality

We’ll keep your documents and personal information confidential. Your consultant may share your documents and information with other 7Sage consultants for a second opinion. We may also share your documents with third-party proofreaders for the purpose of proofreading.

14 Upgrading from Edit Once to Unlimited Editing

You can upgrade from a single Edit Once to Unlimited Editing for the price difference of Unlimited Editing less Edit Once. Call that the Unlimited Edit Upgrade Price. You’re eligible for the Unlimited Edit Upgrade Price for one year after your purchase of Edit Once.

If you pay the Unlimited Edit Upgrade Price, we’ll keep working on the document you sent us for an Edit Once.

If you want an Unlimited Edit on a new document after you have already purchased an Edit Once, you’ll need to pay the full price of Unlimited Editing.

Our enroll page—https://7sage.com/admissions/enroll/—may show the Unlimited Edit Upgrade Price, not the full price of an Unlimited Edit.

The minimal Unlimited Edit Upgrade price is $600—even if you purchase two Edit Once packages for the same essay.

In a nutshell: if you upgrade from Edit Once to Unlimited Editing for $600, we’ll continue to revise the document you sent us for the Edit Once.

15 Upgrading from Edit Once to Admissions Consulting

You can upgrade from Edit Once to Admissions Consulting for the price difference of Admissions Consulting less Edit Once. Call that the Admissions Consulting Upgrade Price. You’re eligible for the Admissions Consulting Upgrade Price for one year after your purchase of Edit Once.

If you pay the Admissions Consulting Upgrade Price, we will not start over on or replace documents covered by your Edit Once.

Example: You use an Edit Once to craft your personal statement, then upgrade to Admissions Consulting. We’ll help you tailor your personal statement to each school covered by Admissions Consulting, but we won’t help you start over on a new personal statement.

If you want to start over on or replace a document covered by Edit Once, you have to pay the full price of Admissions Consulting.

The minimal Admissions Consulting Upgrade Price is $2,700.

Our enroll page—https://7sage.com/admissions/enroll/—may show the Admissions Consulting Upgrade Price, not the full price of Admissions Consulting.

16 What’s Not Included

  • Writing original content or preparing application materials on your behalf
  • Fact-checking or performing research for your documents
  • Restructuring or reformatting your résumé (though we may suggest that you restructure or reformat your résumé)
  • Editorial work on any document longer than 1200 words
  • Follow-up after our initial edit

In a nutshell: we’ll make suggestions and guide you, but we won’t do your work for you.