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Now until Feb, how do I achieve my target score.

LSATtruth.LSATtruth. Alum Member
edited January 2017 in General 175 karma
My goal is to score 160, I scored just a few points shy of that in December but during practice tests before then I was scoring 160 back to back on practice test with my highest score being 161. I am retaking in February with that goal score in mind again. Any tips/study plans from now until Feb,4th? Do I have to begin averaging 165 on practice test to meet this score?


  • BinghamtonDaveBinghamtonDave Alum Member 🍌🍌
    8705 karma
    what has been the average breakdown of your last 5 tests per section? for instance, are you missing 4 on each games section/5 on each RC section? I think the most productive way to go about improving at this juncture would be to get a snapshot of what you are missing and take it from there. A different distribution of misses will indicate a different approach to fixing things.
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