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Why do they care whether applicants have relatives at the school they are applying?

LSATakerLSATaker Free Trial Member
in General 250 karma
For example, do you have family member working as stuff at XX law school etc...
why do they ask this?
If they do have, does this mean it affects them negatively or positively?
I'm just curious...
Thank you in advance!!


  • xqr1s4f3edxqr1s4f3ed Alum Member
    118 karma
    This often is related to "legacy" considerations, and depending on the school can swing either way. By way of example, I've heard (but not confirmed) that Berkeley actively eschews legacy points.

    Additionally, were I an admissions officer I'd prefer to know if you had an uncle on the faculty who was lobbying on your behalf.
  • LSATakerLSATaker Free Trial Member
    250 karma

    Thanks, so Berkeley prefers not having students who have relatives in school right?
    I heard they may prefer to have "network" so it would be better to have students who have some relations to the school, but I guess it's not like that?
  • xqr1s4f3edxqr1s4f3ed Alum Member
    118 karma

    No, that's too strong. I've heard you just don't get extra points for having family there. So it doesn't hurt you; it just doesn't help.
  • LSATakerLSATaker Free Trial Member
    250 karma
    Thanks :)
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