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Advice for Final Stretch (Feb 2017 Exam)?

westcoastbestcoastwestcoastbestcoast Alum Member
in General 3788 karma

Having prepped for a long time, all the preptests I have taken thus far were retakes and I have been scoring in the mid to high 170s with several 180s as BR score. I'm at a bit of dilemma, because I didn't expect PT 80 to be released yesterday and I'm debating whether or not to take that exam or PT 79 before the February exam. PT 79 was an official take for me but I haven't had the chance to take it on my own nor BR it; PT 80 would be a completely fresh take. Should I take both exams before February 4th? Or perhaps take PT 79 and take the LG section of PT 80?


  • draj0623draj0623 Alum Member
    edited January 2017 916 karma

    I also took PT 79 but will be re-taking it again tomorrow as my final full length PT to make sure the skills are still there. I have reviewed it once when I first got my score so I expect this to be a confidence-boosting exercise, which I'll need to keep my spirits high (above the level of nerves). I've ordered PT 80 and it is scheduled to arrive either Tuesday or Wednesday. I've decided that if it comes on Tuesday, I might just take the LG timed section and one of the two LR sections. I would advise against taking two PTs just because of the possibility of burn out (it wouldn't be worth it to be mentally tired on the day of) and I'm not confident a thorough review of both exams would result in more gains than a thorough review of just one full length + one or two sections beyond that. I normally wouldn't advise "wasting" a PT like this but I'm truly hoping for the best and to not have to re-take in June. If for some reason a re-take in June becomes necessary, I still have a solid amount of fresh PTs I can rely on for study material. Ideally, I'd want to stop working on all LSAT review Thursday (early) afternoon. I'm going to take Friday off and make sure all is prepped and ready for my test day warm ups. This is my plan. I hope shedding some light on my rationale is helpful. Good luck this Saturday!

  • westcoastbestcoastwestcoastbestcoast Alum Member
    3788 karma

    Hey @draj0623! Thank you for letting me know your rationale. I'm actually thinking that I might do something similar as you, reviewing logic games on Monday, taking PT 79 on Tuesday and doing an LG of PT 80. I just want to make sure that I am well rested and not an anxious wreck this time around because I underperformed on my previous takes due to little sleep. Since this is my third take, I don't mind "wasting" PT80 as I have seen virtually all the LSAT material beforehand. Good luck to you on Saturday as well!!

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