Last break before the LSAT!

The next PT for Thursday and Saturday will be PT 80, so that you have time to take it and be prepared before JY's PT 80 review. Check the calendar for more updates and keep an eye out for JY's review.
The Full Schedule
And if you’d like to see the full schedule for upcoming sessions, here it is:
Note about PT Review:
- For everyone: take the PT under timed conditions; BR as you are able on your own; then join us for all or part of the call—everyone is welcome.
- Note: For the purposes of the call, we like to check our group blind review score together at the very end of the call
So at least don't say ... "No guys, really, it's D, I checked it.” KEEP THE CORRECT ANSWER TO YOURSELF. Win the argument with your reasoning.
- These groups work best when folks from ALL stages of prep and with all different goals join in! Not just for "super-preppers" and definitely not just for the casual LSATer (does such a person exist?).
- The only expectation anyone has for these calls is for you to have fun and ask questions as you desire. We are just a bunch of LSAT lovers who gather via GoToMeeting and intellectually slaughter each test.
@extramedium @dml277 @BinghamtonDave @SherryS1 @aimhigher @leannasamson @Omed_OvO @cm214998 @nanchito @"Lauren L" @Emely.Moreta @"el chucho" @jgsisco @Sharmetz @877blessed @mnrahall @jennagould60 @Citygirl @aaronmorris222 @bswise2 @KWoulf13 @mckenzieleanne10 @hhhiser_06 @DinnerAtSix @couchifer @poohbear @smartaone2 @red_ambrosia @crp9ce @DiligenFxy0628 @karen.sov @spbarry @cfield.3 @JustDoIt @lawgikal @TheMikey @justicedst @bbutler @Mitzyyyy @AlexandriaD @"Burt Macklin" @"adore-no" @"nessa.k13.0" @twssmith @gaandrsn @RafaelBernard @CinnamonTea @TheMikey @sheridan9194 @jimmyrivera201 @meg321go @carlistics @draj0623 @jcorine26 @caitieadams @ppcoelho1 @Gladiator_2015 @sunnyvictoria0610 @yamameerzada484 @bruingirl1205 @emilyxiong315 @lawschoolstuff16 @joneselisabethpenn @gaandrsn @tsan220 @Grace... @dantlee14 @dannyshaw @"Not Ralph Nader" @etphonehome @"subi rami" @cetienn2 @zyahya @Connor180 @Walliums @canadalegalbiz @jeremybentham @HennaC15 @helentang02 @imekahel @sacksj18 @Mattglandry @trxdsd91 @jknauf @hernandk @far_k_hd @BenjiM123 @morganclarke @phelanj75 @d_villa @5everLSATing @mo.sheikh @zyahya @cetienn2 @"subi rami" @etphonehome @rachaels @"Michelle Juma" @rpffj1213, @alex.e92, @McLovinLSAT, @bswise2, @corgimeister, @BryantFu @leslieh327, @etphonehome, @evan3826 @danielznelson @cskent329 @"jw316 TLS" @BenjaminSF @amedley88 @dcdcdcdcdc @"maple sarap" @amedley88 @poohbear @cvo1 @LsatChic @hylycdi! @"Ann Marie" @matty-san @calftemp
@"nessa.k13.0" thanks for posting:)
I love that episode!!!
You're welcome @twssmith ! Me too.
Can someone confirm the timezone for these sessions? Is the Google calendar in my time zone? I have the next one as 5/18 7pm PST?
Mine says 7-8 as well and I am EST. I haven't been apart of these calls so I can't speak as to what time zone is correct.
I thought we were doing 79 before 80?
@studying_hard amd @Mellow_Z the time zone is EST. 7pm on Thursday and 5pm on Saturday.
@KWoulf13 we were but if we we don't do PT 80 next week, we'll miss sections for JY's review which I think we would all be better off attending.
Ah OK, so it the plan 79 after that now?
@KWoulf13 yup!
@"nessa.k13.0" Cool beans
Would love to join this group, how?
Hi @"Joe DCastro" you express interest (which you just did) and then I'll tag you in posts with info on what to do next
Hello nessa.k13.0 I am new to 7 stage, but not new to the LSAT. I was wondering if I could join.
Hi @jennellgandy are you planning on doing the 7sage curriculum? If so, I'd recommend you wait and join a study group when you've gone through the lessons. If you are not going to do 7sage lessons and plan on taking the test next month, just let me know and I'll tag you. We'll be doing PT 80 next, so if you aren't sure about June don't burn that test.
I just did the free trial, but I took Kaplan wasn't helpful really then a LSAT prep course. So, I am familiar with alot of things, but a little confuse on certain things. But, yes please tag me in. Do you mind if I ask you questions for clarification?
@Nessa.k13.0 what is the time? I'm Eastern time zone
Hi, I'm taking the June LSAT and would love to join! Been studying on my own for 2 months now -- loving the community on the 7sage boards
@jennellgandy Click on the calendar link for the schedule. Questions are welcome during review sessions! However, if you are having a harder time identifying question types and if you feel like you don't know much about conditional logic, I don't think you should join the June group at this point. I organized the study schedule in a way where we build up to the most recent tests from the 40s over several months. A month is not enough time to learn the fundamentals and apply it to the test. There are different study groups with different times. If you aren't going to take the test in June, I recommend that you join The Oldies but Goodies study group and/or a study group aimed towards another month when they are announced (keep an eye out on the discussion forum for study groups after or around the June LSAT). I say that because we are going to be reviewing the most recent PTs in the next couple weeks. If you aren't PTing around where you want to be on June 12th you really should not ruin those PTs now.
@nicole.burdakin I want to extend the same word of caution as I expressed above^ If you both think you would benefit from taking the latest practice tests now I'll add you to the list.
@"nessa.k13.0" Not doing June... but I want to be on the list for Sept... I have been holding off on burning any and all tests until I was able to do this with you guys
Just throwing that out there. So put me on the Sept list... and good luck June LSAT takers 
Hey @"nessa.k13.0" I'm interested, been studying, and taking June! Could you tag me please? When is the review for PT80? I'm thinking I'll miss 79 with the time difference (to China) today.
theres a September group in the works that should be on the first page of discussions .. put a tag in that thread so I know you're interested and I'll tag you when we get things rolling
Thanks @Mellow_Z
@4everchasing check out the link to the study schedule in the post above. It has all the dates for PTs and more info about study times!
@Mellow_Z perfecto... I will hunt it down now
Great! When is JY's review? Will it be during our normal Thursday time, or another time?
@"nessa.k13.0" Yes, definitely taking the June test, and I'd like to join!
I would like to join @"nessa.k13.0"
@CinnamonTea different sections are on different dates---I'll be posting the details soon.
@ponica31 @nicole.burdakin got y'all.
I would love to join as well!:)
@rogersalexandra7 if you are confident that you are PTing near where you need to be I'll tag you