PT74.S4.Q17 - under the legal doctrine

7SageThanks7SageThanks Free Trial Member
edited May 2017 in Logical Reasoning 166 karma

People who have done a lot of PTs often talk about the shift in language in the last 10 PTs, yet don't always know how to articulate what that shift specifically was. I think this is an example of a recent test question where the language has changed as compared to older tests (PTs 20-60).

I think the correct answer, E, requires you infer the author's perspective whereas older tests would have a more conservative interpretation of the stimulus. By saying that juries often make serious mistakes, you have to infer that the author would say making a serious mistake is an undesirable consequence.

In these LR questions where the stimulus has an opinion, it seems as though the test now tests your understanding of that opinion. That if someone is saying something would be a serious mistake, you need to be able to properly infer what that means. In this case, someone who says it would be a serious mistake then that person would also necessarily say that's an undesirable consequence.


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