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When will the test start?

abovewater7abovewater7 Alum Member
in General 66 karma

It is going to be my first time LSAT...The report time is 12:30pm...wondering how long will be the waiting time/instruction time while sitting in the room before the test actually starts...any ideas?


  • LSAT Is ComingLSAT Is Coming Alum Member
    530 karma

    I remember from the horrible days of SAT/ACT, the proctoring at the beginning took a long time (bubbling in name, other biographical info). I'd estimate 30-45 minutes.

  • partyondudespartyondudes Alum Member
    edited June 2017 424 karma

    Hey see this discussion for a potential answer to your question: It sounds like waiting time varies.

  • abovewater7abovewater7 Alum Member
    66 karma

    Thank you!!

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    I've heard from tons of folks between a half hour and a hour. So be prepared for both! :)

  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    edited June 2017 28031 karma

    Yeah, 30 minutes to an hour typically, although there are horror stories of much more. The best thing is to be the first one to the testing center and the last one into the testing room. Once you're admitted into the room, you won't be allowed to leave until the test starts, even to use the restroom. So minimize your wait in the test room, just be sure to be there with plenty of time to spare.

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