LSAC Forum - Worth a trip?

jzzravenjzzraven Alum Member

I signed up for the July Forum in DC thinking I'd be in town then. I'm no longer going to be there, but am considering making a trip (~5 hr bus each way) down in order to attend. To those who have been, is it worth it? Also, I'm taking the LSAT in September so won't have a score on file by then, if that affects anything.


  • Freddy_DFreddy_D Core Member
    2983 karma

    I have not attended one, but I have heard that they often give out fee waivers at these events.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @Freddy_D said:
    I have not attended one, but I have heard that they often give out fee waivers at these events.

    Same -- all about the free waivers. I've heard they can be boring and you'll probably not learn much of anything you don't know, but waivers! :)

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