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Any recommendations for a study plan to reach consistent high 170s?

winkyfacewinkyface Free Trial Member
in General 20 karma


I got a 170 on the June LSAT and want to try to retake it in Sept with a 175+ ideally. I burned through all PTs studying for June, averaged around 173 from the 26 most recent tests reaching 178 twice, but it seems like I need a new game plan to really get to that next level consistently.

As for the breakdown for the June test: I missed 5 in RC (usually I miss around 0-3 - I was not expecting how hard the June RC would be), 2 in LG (I should not have missed those given how easy that section was, in PTs I miss around 0-1 but I am afraid the next test will have a harder LG which might stump me so I will definitely try to drill games until I can 100% stop making stupid mistakes), and LR I missed 1 each (usually I miss around 0-2 per section).

So far all I am planning is retaking PTs 60-81 and doing a better job blind reviewing and analyzing the questions re: making sure I know my thought process and that I can eliminate every wrong answer. Does anyone have any other ideas or how I should focus based on the info above? I'm definitely open to suggestions and what has worked for people. I'm just kind of stumped at how to make a study schedule at the moment to get what I'm shooting for.



  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    What did you use to prep for the June test if you don't mind me asking?

  • winkyfacewinkyface Free Trial Member
    edited July 2017 20 karma

    I had read the powerscore LR and LG probably a year ago, but to actually prep for the test leading up to it I just took the 20-30 most recent practice tests, like 2-3 tests a week.

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