PT56.S2.Q22 - writing styles high literary quality

kenglish55309kenglish55309 Free Trial Member
edited November 2015 in Logical Reasoning 37 karma
This question is very difficult because I just cannnot understand the stimulus. Could I please get an explanation of this question stem and answer choices?


  • kenglish55309kenglish55309 Free Trial Member
    37 karma
    After reading this question multiple times I mean multiple times I sort of get how they come up with C being the answer choice. The first sentence in the stimulus keeps throwing me off, so confusing.
  • J.Y. PingJ.Y. Ping Administrator Instructor
    14277 karma
    Sure! High literary style is prone to being misinterpreted. Judicial decisions are determinations of law so we want to avoid misinterpretation. That's why judicial decisions are not written in high literary style. BUT! Dissenting decisions often are. Why is that? Well, the answer is because dissenting decisions aren't determinations of law.

    Okay, I just gave away the answer. If you want to see how you come to that understanding (and that has to do with grammar parsing) and be able to do it yourself, you should watch this video explanation of it.
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