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Character and Fitness Addendum (Generic Question)

mmowrermmowrer Free Trial Member

Hey everyone! Happy first day of applications!!

I just had a thirty second question about my C&F Addendum. Specifically, what length, in general, should an addendum be? I know that the answer to this will vary based on the situation, but for a simple underage drinking violation in undergrad I was curious about how many words would hit the sweet spot of informative, yet concise.

Excited to hear your thoughts!



  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @mmowrer said:
    Hey everyone! Happy first day of applications!!

    I just had a thirty second question about my C&F Addendum. Specifically, what length, in general, should an addendum be? I know that the answer to this will vary based on the situation, but for a simple underage drinking violation in undergrad I was curious about how many words would hit the sweet spot of informative, yet concise.

    Excited to hear your thoughts!


    A short paragraph will be more than enough.

    Good luck :)

  • Freddy_DFreddy_D Core Member
    2988 karma

    Based on what I've heard/read from several former adcoms, concision is your friend when it comes to addenda. Ann Levine says you should "state your facts, provide an argument for why this issue won't plague you during law school or in your legal career, and get out."

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