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Last PT for Retakers

MPeabodyMPeabody Alum Member

This advice might be too little too late for those of you next week, but if it can be helpful for anyone...

I have been struggling mightily with confidence and have seen my scores dip significantly in the past couple of weeks. Part of the struggle is due to the fact that the last time I sat for the test, I massively underperformed and was miserable over my score. So miserable that I swore off the LSAT/law school for several years.

Once I got back into prep, I decided that I was going to save that PT for right before the test to prove to myself that I was much better prepared, could do this, blah, blah, blah. I hadn't looked at the PT since getting my score back so it was essentially fresh. (Did I mention that I swore off the test for so long that my original score is no longer on the record? (Gross I'm old/thank goodness.))

Long story short, I went from a 160 to a 176, and was one question away from a 180 in BR.

I say this not as a humble brag (ok, maybe a little bit of that) but because I have more confidence now than I've had at any point in my prep. I think a huge mental hurdle for retakers is the fact that you KNOW it can go sub-optimally. But by taking the one that originally got the best of you...well, you get what I'm saying.

(Also, major props to 7Sage because even if I hadn't underperformed as much as I did, I still wouldn't be close to the level I'm at now.)

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