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Day Off

Paul PedersonPaul Pederson Member
in General 903 karma

I'm taking today off. I've been studying around 9 hours a day for a while. I think I'm going to turn on some pod casts and clean my place while I play with my little dog. Hope all my fellow LSAT warriors are doing great! I'm not one to participate too much on the threads however I have absorbed a lot of advice from all of you all. Thank you.

Also, if there are any veterans in the DFW area that could use a good paying job which allows you to study at work send me a pm.

Good luck everyone!

How often do you take an entire day off from everything LSAT?
  1. Once a week9 votes
    1. Once every two weeks
    2. Once a month
    3. NEVER!!! The LSAT doesn't sleep so neither do I!!!!!
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