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I've read discussions regarding the best types of pencils and sharpeners to use... I've been using Papermate HB#2 and have had no issue with them!! Does it really matter? (and along with which type of sharpener to buy/use?)
It matters as much as you want it to, lol. So, no, it doesn't really matter.
@"Alex Divine" Lol I didn't really give it much thought until I read some of the discussions... I didn't even know it was something to be worth discussed lol
Lol, you're fine with whatever really. Unless you get used to Staedtler noricas and then try to go back, that is.
@"Cant Get Right" haha may I ask why? :O
Ohhhh.... It's worth it alright. Staedtler Noricas are great pencils! I like the black Wopex model that JY uses in his live videos. I feel like it lasts forever! Still, I don't think it is going to have any bearing on your score lmao
@"Alex Divine" hahaha I didn't think so either... unless I somehow don't have a pencil sharpener or run out of pencils/lose them!!! That might have a bearing on my score

Absolutely, haha. It writes really dark for starts. Most other pencils look really weak and unsubstantial next to it. For being so used to reading ink, it's quite a nice attribute. The lead is also creamy and soft which lends to really smooth writing. Switching between it and like a Ticonderoga or something, you can really tell how scratchy the Ticon is. This causes a bit quicker dulling than a harder lead, but well worth the trade for my tastes. If I want to maintain a sharp point, I'll just have tons of them ready to go, lol.
@"Cant Get Right" After that description of how well these pencils write, I am tempted to make a quick trip to Staples and stock up on them! Lol.
One of us! One of us!
Don't give in!
The only important quality of a pencil is that it is dull. That way, you can bubble in answers faster. Marginal gains!
@"Cant Get Right" Bought the pencils! and the special Staedtler pencil sharpener to go along with it....
@AllezAllez21 Lol I went out and bought the pencils as my "study break!!!"