PT56.S3.Q23 - summer day pleasant intermittent wind

kenglish55309kenglish55309 Free Trial Member
edited November 2015 in Logical Reasoning 37 karma
First sentence I diagrammed as: wind & below 84-> pleasant. The second part of this question I diagrammed as : above 84 or no wind ->oppressive. I incorrectly got answer choice (B) it has something to do the the humidity but I was able to add it to my diagramming. Help please.


  • Alan Cheuk-2Alan Cheuk-2 Administrator
    edited May 2013 3128 karma
    You diagramed the first sentence perfectly:

    wind AND below 84 -> pleasant

    The second sentence is harder. I also missed the "high humidity" part on my first read through. The question lists two requirements to a "oppressive" day: The high humidity is one requirement. The other requirement is above 84 OR no wind. As a diagram it looks like:

    high humidity AND (no wind OR above 84) -> oppressive

    Does this help?

    Also, we have a video explanation for this question here:
  • kenglish55309kenglish55309 Free Trial Member
    37 karma
    Thank you for helping. I missed this question partly because I was reading two quickly the first time around and then in the blind review I just could not figure out how to include the humidity. Is "with" translated to mean "and"?
  • Alan Cheuk-2Alan Cheuk-2 Administrator
    edited May 2013 3128 karma
    Yup. In this question they are talking about summer days *with high humidity*, not summer days in general. So in order to be able to say if a summer day is oppressive, you need to make sure that it has high humidity before looking at the other conditions.

    For example, consider the sentence "A dog with big teeth is scary if it's bigger than 84lbs or it has no leash".

    According to this sentence a dog being bigger than 84lbs or having no leash isn't sufficient to be scary because the sentence doesn't say anything about plain old dogs - it talks about dogs *with big teeth*. So for a dog to be scary, it is sufficient when it is bigger than 84lbs or has no leash AND has big teeth.

  • kenglish55309kenglish55309 Free Trial Member
    37 karma
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