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LR sections in Older VS Newest LSATs

vanlsatstuvanlsatstu Alum Member
edited September 2014 in General 17 karma
I have been prep testing with the newer LSATs (66-72) for the past few weeks. I have used up 66, 71, and 72 so far. I saved the newer ones for the tail end of my prep and was excited to tackle them since I started scoring from 160-163 on prior preptests, which is my target range. Unfortunately, I have scored a 156/157 on all the newer ones.

The difference in the score can be accounted for by my LR section performance alone. On each newer exam I have lost 18 points on both LR sections combined. Where on the older ones I lost anywhere from 8 to 12 points combined.

Any thoughts on how the newer LR sections are different and what is a good last minute approach to take toward improvement?

P.S. both my speed an accuracy seem to have suffered, however, it is more my accuracy.
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