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Why Law

BirdLaw818BirdLaw818 Free Trial Member
in General 553 karma

I'm writing my personal statement and I talk about my fathers business in the auto industry and how I've grown up helping him and learning from him and working by his side..and using this knowledge and his connections to start my own business.

I put it in a way that talks about how I can be a GOOD and hard working student and how these things have prepared me for my future endeavors, but it doesn't really answer the "WHY" aspect. I want to shoulder the weight my dad carries and I love thinking and reasoning and debating and writing (I actually do, I'm not just saying it to sound law oriented). I want to be paid to think and let the pen be my sword (is that how the saying goes?).

But so what? Why not write a book , ya know? Lol. My reasons for going to law school aren't based on really concrete things but more so these abstract ideas of representing what I think is the symbol of higher thinking in human beings.

What should I avoid doing in talking about "why law"?

Thank you guys, please ignore the messy and terrible writing here I promise my PS is better! If you'd like
To Exchange essays slide in those DMs.

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