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"Standardized Test" page of applications

__emsss____emsss__ Alum Member

Hi everyone,

This is a question for everyone who is taking the December/February LSAT, but is submitting applications before then:

I'm planning on submitting my applications this week but am unsure of how to proceed with the "Standardized Test" page. Currently, I have my September LSAT score listed with another entry for December listed below, but with no score. Is this the right move or should I exclude December altogether? I want to be very clear with schools that I'm retaking in December as I plan to increase my score to get a scholarship (a necessity for me). What do you guys think is the best way to fill out this page?

Also, my current understanding is that schools can tell if you are registered for a future LSAT date without you explicitly telling them and that they will usually wait to evaluate you until those scores are released. If this is incorrect, please let me know.


  • GabMikeeGabMikee Member
    17 karma

    Yes, the schools will know if you are registered for a future LSAT date. Definitely don't exclude that fact from your application. However, from my experience most of them still want you to shoot them an email just to remind them that you are waiting for a future score. Some will even email you to ask whether or not you would like for them to hold your application until they receive that later score. If you ask me, however, I would not wait for them to email you. Take initiative and email them soon after sending your application about your intent to take the Dec exam and whether or not you would like for them to wait to evaluate your application.

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