PT25.S4.Q01 - taxpayer: for the last ten years

marsasb161-1marsasb161-1 Member
edited October 2017 in Logical Reasoning 25 karma

The conclusion in the stimulus, I believe, starts from "However, as a result of its attempt..."

Here, the taxpayer is saying that due to the fiscal irresponsibility of Metro City, they now have to spend a lot more money on reconstruction of its bridges.

However, I thought answer choice (A) is too strong and suggestive of an answer, therefore chose (D) after process of elimination.

Author clearly doesn't state that they 'should' have budgeted more money for maintenance of its bridges. So how is this a MP question? It seems like the stimulus contains premises and answer choice is the actual conclusion--more like a MSS question.

Can someone confirm that the last sentence is the conclusion, and also explain how answer choice A makes sense?


  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    9377 karma

    The conclusion of the argument is that Metro City has been financially irresponsible. (The first sentence is the conclusion.)

    [Conclusion]. [Context]. However, [Premise].

    So the taxpayer’s point is that the city should have budgeted more money. Although it is not explicit, I think this is a reasonable jump because the author is condemning the city's fiscal irresponsibility.

  • yeshesviniyeshesvini Member
    113 karma

    fiscal irresponsibility= should have budgeted more
    other choices are easily eliminated leaving no confusion on this

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