Success under timed conditions....finally

butler17butler17 Alum Member
in General 55 karma

So I have been struggling with hitting my desired score under timed conditions but I finally did it today. I've adjusted my study schedule and allowed myself time to actually live and i think that has really made a difference. I'm a rather social person, so being consumed with studying for this test was really stressing me out. Hopefully this persists into test day. Good luck everyone!


  • supboardersupboarder Alum Member
    edited November 2017 109 karma

    @butler17 How long did it take you to reach your desired score under timed conditions?

  • xtinextinextinextine Member
    861 karma

    Congrats!! And I definitely agree with making time to live. I've been so stressed lately (studying part time and working full time). But I took a few days off to travel and visit family out of state and honestly it made such a difference in my attitude and mentality about the test. Good luck if you're sitting in December!

  • butler17butler17 Alum Member
    55 karma

    @supboarder said:
    @butler17 How long did it take you to reach your desired score under timed conditions?

    It took me a little over a month. I am working full time and studying after work (when I have the energy).

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @butler17 said:
    So I have been struggling with hitting my desired score under timed conditions but I finally did it today. I've adjusted my study schedule and allowed myself time to actually live and i think that has really made a difference. I'm a rather social person, so being consumed with studying for this test was really stressing me out. Hopefully this persists into test day. Good luck everyone!

    Amen, brother. I can't tell you how many times taking a few nights off from prep has led to direct score increases. I know try to schedule in times to do things other than work and prep because I know it will ultimately help me in the long run.

    Did you feel guilty at first? For some reason I find it hard to not feel like I should be prepping when I'm doing social things...

  • butler17butler17 Alum Member
    55 karma

    @"Alex Divine" said:

    @butler17 said:
    So I have been struggling with hitting my desired score under timed conditions but I finally did it today. I've adjusted my study schedule and allowed myself time to actually live and i think that has really made a difference. I'm a rather social person, so being consumed with studying for this test was really stressing me out. Hopefully this persists into test day. Good luck everyone!

    Amen, brother. I can't tell you how many times taking a few nights off from prep has led to direct score increases. I know try to schedule in times to do things other than work and prep because I know it will ultimately help me in the long run.

    Did you feel guilty at first? For some reason I find it hard to not feel like I should be prepping when I'm doing social things...

    Initially i did because I felt as though every hours I was taking away from studying my score would decrease but when i started seeing the opposite I let that go. Constant studying works better for others but not for me. Glad I'm not alone!

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