Sad about LSAT score :[ 3.7 GPA 167 LSAT

ChristmascarolingChristmascaroling Free Trial Member
in General 14 karma

Hi 7sagers, I'm sad and if you are too, then you're not alone. For those who got the score they want, congratulations and I hope you are celebrating this weekend.

I've been lurking around 7sage but never posted. Figured today would be a good day to post and ask "what are my chances".
I've taken the LSAT 3x at this point. I cancelled the first 2 scores and now this third score is a 167. I've signed up for February but is a 4th retake even a good idea? I was hoping to get a 170 or higher but that didn't happen.

Softs: Graduated in three years at a top 20 university (its a public univ), 3 strong academic LOR's, student government elected, extensive extracurriculars, LGBT, and current job at Google.

What are my chances at:
1. Columbia
2. NYU
3. Georgetown
4. Cornell
5. Northwestern
6. UC Berkeley
7. UPenn

Thanks for any and all insight! This whole process is literally so laksdjfoiwruowjfsd


  • Kade KatrakKade Katrak Core Member
    4428 karma
    They don't look good with a 167.
    They look solid with a 170.

    A lot of these schools have median LSATs between 167 and 170 so if you could just bump your LSAT those couple of points your odds go from unlikely to solid.

    Your softs could give you a tiny bit higher chance, but applying relatively late could hurt you a tiny bit. You could apply and try to use the February test to provide a boost to your application or just wait a cycle and study for a retake.

  • ChristmascarolingChristmascaroling Free Trial Member
    14 karma

    Thanks so much this was so helpful! I really hope I can get a 170 or higher in February. My reading comprehension needs a lot of work. Your advice is very helpful!

  • acsimonacsimon Alum Member
    1269 karma

    I would second @"Seeking Perfection". Although, I would think that getting in apps, working down in mountain view, and trying to get ur PTs to where they need to be is a tall charge. Perhaps you can do it, but if so your better than I.

    Good luck!--A.c.S

    P.S. Why isn't UChicago on the list?

  • goingfor99thgoingfor99th Free Trial Member
    3072 karma

    With your softs, you'd probably get in at a few on your list. I'd say GT and Cornell/Berkeley are your best bets. Your essays should be tiptop, though.

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    MyLSN looks like you’d have a shot at Georgetown and Cornell, but the rest aren’t super likely. A higher re-take in February could possibly get you in off wait lists as well. A 167 should get you in with a good scholarship at some slightly lower ranked schools, but if you have your heart set on those schools you listed, continuing studying and applying next cycle could have better results.

    Good luck!

  • tringo335tringo335 Alum Member
    3679 karma

    Definitely retake; a little more effort over the next few months could completely change the entire trajectory of your law career if you get a better score and into most of the schools on your list.

  • ellen.gao625ellen.gao625 Free Trial Member
    9 karma

    @"Leah M B" said:
    MyLSN looks like you’d have a shot at Georgetown and Cornell, but the rest aren’t super likely. A higher re-take in February could possibly get you in off wait lists as well. A 167 should get you in with a good scholarship at some slightly lower ranked schools, but if you have your heart set on those schools you listed, continuing studying and applying next cycle could have better results.

    Good luck!

    I have the same numbers and am thinking applying to Penn under EDII. If possible, I was wondering if applying ED is likely to help me a little bit in this case? Thank you!

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