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Personal Statement

carg1995carg1995 Free Trial Member

I'm not exactly sure how to go about drafting a personal statement. I'm applying to ND, and their application states that I should provide insight about myself and about why I'm interested in pursuing a legal education... But beyond that, I'm stumped. I've overcome adversity in a number of ways; I definitely plan to write about this because I feel it'll set me apart from my peers in a positive way. What else might I touch upon?

Since as long as I can remember, I've ALWAYS had a fascination with the law. I went through undergrad thinking I'd begin a career in law enforcement, but as I progressed through my undergraduate years my interests shifted more and more toward working in the legal field in more of a "white collar" type of atmosphere. After branching out, doing my research, speaking with a few lawyers that I knew relatively well, I decided to pursue a legal education.

I do plan to mention all of this in my personal statement. However, I believe that my personal statement will still be pretty skeletal beyond touching upon that and my section on overcoming adversity.



  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma

    Bumping so more people see!

  • KayyyyyyyKayyyyyyy Free Trial Member
    346 karma

    Can you think of a specific story you remember from when you were younger - or in college - when you decided you wanted to be in the legal field? That might help you weave things together

  • KayyyyyyyKayyyyyyy Free Trial Member
    346 karma

    Also - is there any way to connect the adversity you've faced/your specific life experience to your interest in the law?

    If you want to DM me more specifics about the current content of your essay I'm happy to brainstorm with you!

  • _oshun1__oshun1_ Alum Member
    edited January 2018 3652 karma

    I suggest just writing a general personal statement about the adversity you've overcome first and weave in bits about law school after. It doesnt have to be a very literal and direct connection. ie overcoming this adversity has made me a [character trait] person. I want to take this [character trait] into law school. or this character trait will make me successful in law school. I know admissions don't want to hear "i've wanted to go to law school since i was a kid because blahblah". Write your personal story and how you've grown as a person. Take your character development and apply it to law school. You need to know your own story first before you can figure out how it applies to law school.

    Read over these
    there's not much literal "i want to go to law school because.." but you can see why these people want to go to law school and what they'll bring to law school.

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