South Florida Area - Looking for study group for June 2018 LSAT

rpadr007rpadr007 Member
in Study Groups 101 karma

Hey guys, I've been studying on my own for a while but it would be interesting to hear someone else's take on the Q's and the test, I'm looking forward to hearing from some of you who may be in the Miami area and are looking to study LSAT as well. Cheers!


  • Christina-5Christina-5 Alum Member
    150 karma

    Hey how far are you in your studying?

  • rpadr007rpadr007 Member
    101 karma

    Doing pretty well hammered down on LR the past few months now I'm working on mastering LG, and you?

  • BinghamtonDaveBinghamtonDave Alum Member 🍌🍌
    8723 karma

    I'm not in the South Florida area, but read your post and wanted to welcome you to the June 2018 study group. We meet every Tuesday on GoToMeeting at 7:30 PM EST, link provided upon request. This week we are reviewing PT 60. You are welcome to attend, we have great discussions.


  • just.jaubsjust.jaubs Alum Member
    38 karma

    I'm over in Fort Myers FL studying. Feel free to message me.

  • acevere84acevere84 Alum Member
    22 karma

    Hey, I'm located in Miami and have been studying on/off for the past couple months. I'm hoping to take the test in September, but please feel free to message me.

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