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jordanrex30jordanrex30 Alum Member
edited September 2014 in General 64 karma
I don't want to get ahead of myself. But I just finished up taking the LSAT and feel pretty confident about it. Screwed up a tidge during the games, but nothing too crazy. (Got preoccupied and ran out of time, had to guess on the last 4). But I felt great during LR, and RC didn't seem to be that different either. I'm hoping all goes as planned, I end up with the score I've been getting during my PTs and I leave this test in the dust, BUT... in the slim chance that the games ends up coming back to haunt me my question is where do I go from here? I have taken the majority of the tests 50-70 and scattered tests from 20-40 throughout my studies and preparing. (I started studying last March). So my question is where would I start IF I need to retake? Am I getting to ahead of myself? I figured if that does happen I would opt to wait until Feb instead of rushing it in Dec. right after I get my score. What are your thoughts on this? How could I continue after close to 9-10 months of using so much material? Any input or ideas that you guys have if you have seen this scinero before would be awesome. Thanks!
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