PT7.S1.Q01 - before the printing press

abhatt65abhatt65 Free Trial Member
edited January 2018 in Logical Reasoning 11 karma

Hi Everyone,

I'm having a hard time comprehending why the answer for this question is (C) rather than (E).

From what I understand the argument is “Increase in demand for printed books over manuscripts -> dramatic jump in number of people who could read”

So the weakening answer would be one that explains why literacy would not increase. However, the answer is demonstrating why increase in books increased. Could someone help me out please.

Thanks a lot!


  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    edited January 2018 13286 karma

    What is the conclusion of the argument?

    • This increase demonstrates that there was a dramatic jump in the number of people who learned how to read in the years after publishers first started producing books on the printing press.

    Can you think of a situation where the demand for books increases but the population that can read stays the same?

    Answer choice C gives you a perfect explanation of an instance where this is the case. Doesn't that necessarily destroy his argument? If the same number of people are buying the books, but they are just buying more copies, doesn't that cast doubt on his argument that increased amounts of people are now able to read (and subsequently buying the books)?

    Answer choice E actually strengthens his argument. If the books were useless to illiterate people, because of no illustrations, it would be more likely that only literate people would buy it. And since the demand has gone up, it must be that more people are literate.

    The weakening answer in this case shows the effect (increase in demand) without the cause (increase in people who learned to read) by attributing it to a different cause. (same people buying books, just more) That is exactly what we want a weakening answer to do!

  • abhatt65abhatt65 Free Trial Member
    11 karma

    Ah, thanks so much! You explained it incredibly well! :smile:

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