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study tips

dgnortondgnorton Member
in General 40 karma

hi- i have really just started studying for the lsat in the last week or so and i am taking the feb 2018 test. i do not have enough time to do through the entire 7 sage curriculum. i have been taking practice tests and reviewing the explanation of the questions i missed.. is this an effective studying technique? any advice?


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited January 2018 23929 karma

    @dgnorton said:
    hi- i have really just started studying for the lsat in the last week or so and i am taking the feb 2018 test. i do not have enough time to do through the entire 7 sage curriculum. i have been taking practice tests and reviewing the explanation of the questions i missed.. is this an effective studying technique? any advice?

    Hey @dgnorton,

    Unfortunately, No.

    Not having adequate time to complete the curriculum and then just taking practice tests w/ review is not an effective strategy.

    The best advice for you at this point is to delay taking the test and plan to take at a future date. There's no reason you have to take one of the most important tests you'll ever take in your life in less than a month. Additionally, there's no reason anyone has to take the LSAT before they've properly prepared. It's a very learnable test and it's incredible how much you can improve in 6 months.

    This test has the ability to determine the rest of your life. What school you go to. How much you pay to go. The job you'll get or not get by going to said school. Far too much on the line to rush.

    Take your time and set your goal to an LSAT score and not a date.

  • lcmhomeslcmhomes Alum Member
    27 karma

    I'm gonna have to agree. As much hope and pray hitting the 170 range, 20-days of cramming does not seem like a good strategy for scoring a high score...thinking I'll be better prepared for taking it in June. Who know's someone may just have an open spot waiting for me.

  • tringo335tringo335 Alum Member
    3679 karma

    HI! Welcome to 7Sage :) Is it possible to push the test back at all? It's really imperative to get the foundation down before attempting a great score. Unfortunately 20 days isn't long enough.

  • tanes256tanes256 Alum Member
    edited January 2018 2573 karma

    @dgnorton what are you going to do if you don’t score as well as you’d like? If the answer is take it again then I would suggest just delaying it and studying properly to get a more desirable score. Are you comfortable with the material? Are you able to make sense of what you’re doing? If the answer is no or you’re kinda iffy about it I would delay.

  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    9382 karma

    While I agree with everyone else, it really depends on your diagnostic and your goal. I mean....if your diagnostic is like 168 and your goal score is in that range, I guess 3 weeks might be enough!? (I know there are people with that kind of high diagnostic)

  • dgnortondgnorton Member
    40 karma

    My diagnostic is 151. I am PT around 159 and looking to score around 160.

  • OhnoeshalpmeOhnoeshalpme Alum Member
    2531 karma

    @dgnorton said:
    My diagnostic is 151. I am PT around 159 and looking to score around 160.

    First of all, you're rushing through this. My advice would be to push back for next cycle. Get a higher score than 160.

    For example if the school you want to go to has a median LSAT of 161 and you score a 160 in February. You might get in, but probably will get no financial help. However, If you waited until next cycle and scored a 166, you'd more than likely get $80,000+ in scholarships. You can treat that scholarship money as added income, which equates to more money than you'd likely make a year after graduation from a 161 median law school.

    But, if you must take in February, it seems the prevailing opinion how to improve rapidly is: Fool-proof games, as many as you can for 3-4 days every week. Spend the other 3-4 days during the week on a PT and Blind Review for that PT. Drill LR question types that are high priority for you. Ignore RC.

  • tanes256tanes256 Alum Member
    2573 karma

    @dgnorton you should be ok where you are now if you’re trying to score a 160. What’s your BR scores? You should be scoring probably 3-5 points above160 on BR. Make it your goal to go -0 on every LG BR. If you’re struggling with LG I would put my focus there and throw in the other two sections so that you stay fresh with them and so that you don’t get bored or burned out from LG.

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