Help with reviewing PT's/Diag

TortsillustratedTortsillustrated Alum Member
edited January 2018 in General 80 karma

Before taking my December LSAT I feel as if I reviewed all of the PT's I took wrong and didn't learn from my mistakes at all. Now that I have BR what is a good strategy to review the remainder of the PT? My diagnostic test after some time of from December was a 156/ 162 BR'ed . MY LR IS ATROCIOUS!!! RC I went -0 and LG -5 need I say more about how bad my LR is! Really looking for help on what steps to take to review before digging more into J.Y.'s materials. Also looking for ways to increase my logical reasoning section in general. Thanks!


  • tanes256tanes256 Alum Member
    2573 karma

    @Tortsillustrated I'm not really sure what you're asking. After your PT you should do BR. You BR the questions you circled during the PT because you were uncertain. Don't grade the PT until after you've completed BR. Go back to the questions you missed during BR or missed during the PT but did not circle (do the latter after you've graded the PT). Make sure you pay close attention to those because not circling indicates that you were certain in your strategy for that question but missed the question. For BR make sure that you know why the four AC are wrong and the one AC is correct before moving on to the next question. I normally break the whole question down. I start with conclusion, premises, etc. Write a short explanation for why you believe each AC is wrong or why you believe it's correct. Do this for the circled questions and for the questions you missed but did not circle. Also, pay close attention to questions you still got wrong after BR. These deserve more attention because it indicates that your strategy or task for the question type needs more work.

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