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Law School App Help

sjames123sjames123 Alum Member

This may seem like a silly question but for the lsat section on some applications where you have type all your lsats in what do you write if you canceled? It will only let me put in a numerical amount or leave it blank. Should I just not list that lsat because I canceled? One more thing, I was thinking about writing an addendum but I'm not sure if its worth it. My freshman year of college was really bad but after that my grades picked up beside my junior year 2nd semester. I studied abroad in the fall so my grades are not counted on lsac and then when I returned my spring semester of grades were terrible. I got sick multiple times that semester and had to miss a lot of school. On top of that, I missed a week of school because of a conference I was attending for the school that got snowed in and I was stuck there. After, that semester my grades go back up in my senior year. Is it worth writing an addendum if I just say I was incredibly sick that semester? Will law admissions think that's a credible excuse?


  • tylerdschreur10tylerdschreur10 Alum Member
    1465 karma

    I think that's 50-50. As devil's advocate, I have to say your reasons are kind of weak. I could point out that law school involves distractions and lots of people get sick, you have to find a way to rise above the noise and excel despite these things.

    That said, if you can give background and explain how these are uniquely detrimental circumstances, perhaps it will help you. The key is to convince adcoms that this was an isolated incident that you learned from so they aren't worried about the same thing happening in 1L.

    Overall, I'd say there's a greater chance that you come off as making excuses and failing to take responsibility than that you significantly boost adcoms opinion of you(not saying this is the case, but simply how they're likely to see it). I think you're better off leaving things be.

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