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Parents info

Bdv96122Bdv96122 Alum Member

Wrote about this on Reddit but curious as to what 7sagers have to say about parental information on law school apps as well. Why do they need to know their occupation for example. What is this even used for? Also, in the education level section I had input high school as the highest level of education because I was unsure of what to put for a parent that went to college but didn't complete (no checkboxes or options just a space to write/ felt like putting college would be dishonest and inaccurate since they did not receive a degree) I'm assuming that I did the right thing however, I'm curious as to how to address this in future apps/ how do other people approach this. Any input would be greatly appreciated.


  • speedwagonspeedwagon Alum Member
    393 karma

    My thoughts:
    1) Parent occupation is an important marker of class experience - it is meaningful to know if you are dealing with someone whose parents are both lawyers, for example, vs. someone whose parents are cashiers vs. etc, etc. It's indicative (in part!) of a lot of things.

    2) I think that's correct. If the question was highest level completed, then it's high school. If it's highest level attended, the questions should have had non-degree options (ie, high school, undergraduate level, graduate level.) So I think you're fine. You can always call to confirm.

  • Bdv96122Bdv96122 Alum Member
    29 karma

    @speedwagon oh that makes sense thanks! And yeah it just said highest level of education and I understood it as completed

  • Bdv96122Bdv96122 Alum Member
    29 karma

    @speedwagon if only schools would include options to select from lolll instead of blank spaces everywhere

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